27 ago 2008

BAK Basel Economics & BCN Welcome Services

Isabel Montals, as representative of bcn welcome services, will participate in the "International Brenchmarking Forum 2008" as speaker, presenting the expats' perspective, in Basel (Switzerland) from the 3rd to the 5th September.
Regional Attractiveness is the main topic of the 2008 Conference of the annual highlight of BAK Basel Economics.

Isabel Montals, representando a bcn welcome services, participará en el "International Brenchmarking Forum 2008" como ponente, presentando la perspectiva de los expats, en Basilea (Suiza) del 3 al 5 de Septiembre.
El Atractivo de las Regiones es el tema principal de la Conferencia Anual organizada por BAK Basel Economics este año 2008.

Isabel Montals, representant a bcn welcome services, participarà al "International Brenchmarking Forum 2008" com a ponent, presentant la perspectiva dels expats, a Basilea (Suïssa) del 3 al 5 de Setembre.
L'atractiu de les Regions és el tema principal de la Conferencia Anual organitzada per BAK Basel Economics aquest any 2008.
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